Encumbrance Survey
An encumbrance survey is similar to an ALTA but is still not prepared in a manner to satisfy ALTA standards. An Encumbrance survey generally does not require field work, the reason being, no site improvements are shown on the survey. The survey will show a "record" boundary, easements and other encumbrances as delineated in a provided title report and supportive documents. The title report does not need to be current, but it is strongly recommended that one be ordered. This type of survey is generally used for planning or strategic development of a property to show how burdened it may be by outside entities.
Design Survy
Unlike the ALTA/ACSM Survey, the design survey involves a bit more detail. This type of survey provides a three dimensional perspective of the property by adding elevations and contours to the survey plat, in addition to existing improvements. In most cases, the boundary is not shown on these surveys, or a "record" boundary will be shown for reference only. Additionally easements of record are typically not shown on the plat. This type of survey is primarily for design purposes for additional construction to a property, or drainage analysis, and is not prepared to ALTA standards. A title report is not necessary to perform this type of survey.